Accurate characterisation of the C(3)1Σ+ state of the NaRb molecule
W. Jastrzebski, P. Kortyka, P. Kowalczyk, O. Docenko, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, A. Pashov, H. Knöckel and E. Tiemann
Eur. Phys. J. D 36, 57-65 (2005)
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2005-00186-5
Article supplementary experimental data
online_mat1.pdf | [Transitions from the X1Sigma+ state to the C1Sigma + state, induced by Ar+ laser] | 44 Kb |
online_mat2.pdf | [Experimental energy levels of the C(3)1Sigma+ state] | 68 Kb |
online_mat3.pdf | [List of potential energy grid points for the C(3)1Sigma+ state] | 43 Kb |
online_mat4.pdf | [Dunham parameters for the C(3)1Sigma+ state] | 43 Kb |